Sunday, August 14, 2011

10 K Fun Run *Graphic Warning*

Okay, I gave you fair warning. These photo's are about illegal! The seniors usually dress up all crazy for the football fun run. More and more kids have been dressing up but Anth went all out...or is that all off? Ha! Here he is with his friend Kyle.

Another senior. Can you imagine running 6 miles in this? No thank you.


The team stretching before running

Theresa, Leslie, Valerie, Rachael and Travis

Little chanting and cheering prior to running

the Seniors


Anth made it in to the water stop

The boys cool down and run back out to run in with the last couple players to the water stop.

He is racing someone up the hill

All the players cool down at the end after eating their Popsicle and head out to meet the last couple boys. They all cheer them on and run in with them, making a tunnel, then taking care of him. For those big lineman, this is a long, long haul.

I couldn't help but get emotional watching it. It is Anth's senior year so his last year....Thankfully, unlike some of my friends, I have one more football boy coming through Kentwood.

Coach talking at the end.

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