Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stage 3 Leadville to Nova Guides

Beautiful morning for a run!?! 24.3 miles with a climb of 2,700 feet. First checkpoint (me) was at 7.2 miles in.

David getting his pack ready. They had to carry a jacket, hat, and gloves in case in inclement weather when they are at higher altitude.

Every day the Gourmet Cowboy catered a yummy breakfast!!!

The runners came down this path to Check point 1.

Check point 1. We took down our other table. Unfortunately, 13 runners went up the wrong trail. It is easy to do, the trail was well marked but if you keep your head down and are hiking you may miss the markers and this happened and 13 people went out of their way and hiked an addition several miles.
Finish line set up

Everyone loved the shower guy. He had his semi all ready to go every day when the runners came in and kept it very clean, which everyone really appreciated! This man could feel the love!

down the finish chute

Here he comes!

After a long day of hiking/running!

David has arrived!

And in good spirits! Can you imagine hiking/running up a mountain for nearly 7 hours!?! Me neither!

David and Deb

Deb won overall for the women for the 3 day TransRockies Run3!!!! She had a 5 minute lead on her second place competitor so the gal tried to stay ahead of her. Deb caught up with her and the gal was so relieved that she didn't have to worry all day that she had the lead she needed. They ended up running the last 10 miles or so in together and crossed the finish line together. Then the 2nd place finisher left to attend her 6 year olds birthday party. But it was neat the camaraderie that way.

These are the super duper fast Run3 overall winners in both the men and women's! Congratulations!

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