Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Camp Gramoom

Camp Gramoom did not come empty handed! She had all kinds of things for the kids to do and went to the library and got some books. I don't even know how to knit! But she was able to teach Jordan how to! And he knitted her a little guinea pig house for her next guinea pig that is expected to arrive sometime this fall/winter. He did an awesome job! Can't wait for the critter to cram himself into it!!! She had him finishing up her latch hook too! Anth crocheted a beanie that mom took with her as it was Seahawk colors. Anth originally crocheted it for himself but then his stitches got a little big and he thought it looked more like a grandma hat, so he gave it to his grandma :-) Mom will wear it with pride. I love that she is so hands on and teaches my kids things that I can't. I can crochet an afghan but not something fancy like a hat! Thanks mom! You're da best!

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