Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stage 4 Nova Guides to Red Cliff

Getting ready for the start. On the shorter mileage days (really? cuz I don't think 14.2 is a short jaunt...), I didn't work a check point as instead of 3, there were only 2 check points so I got to try a little of everything out. David got to help today too! Getting ready for the start. 14.2 miles with a climb of 2,800 feet.

Here they come...

These guys are seriously fast!

So the guy in the very front, with sunglasses, that is Andreas from Flagstaff Arizona. He works for Gore, I will meet him later.

Quick tear down. You have to be quick cuz the fast guys are quick, we have to tear down, and drive to the finish and put it all up again. They put up and take down everything individually, all the banners, etc....it is a lot of work! We had fantastic weather!

Putting up in Leadville.

Banners are a science. A quick one. You gotta get them up quick!! One I never figured out!

Finish line is complete. Banners on both sides.

Finish line chute.

Ending at Mango's where they have amazing fish taco's I never did try them and regret it.

There are the 15 passenger vans David used to shuttle people from the finish line back to camp, all.day.long. I tried to avoid shuttling cuz those things aren't my favorite, but then....I got an even *better* task. I ended up having to drive one of those bad boys into the Vail hospital, and park it in the parking lot - oh yea, fun times!!!!! My friend Andreas, from above, his partner, Mark, apparently started suffering chest pains 5 minutes into the run but didn't say anything but after they finished, he wanted to be checked out and Andreas was really worried. So I drove him to the Vail hospital where we sat for 5 hours waiting for all Mark's test results to come back.. Unfortunately, David didn't know where I was and cell phone service was not. But....had I taken my phone...like I ALWAYS do, I would have had service at the hospital. But instead, I had to sit there and do nothing. I did talk to Andreas who was super nice. He pushed Mark, his partner, who is extremely competitive, all day and he felt terrible he was having chest pains. Mark was checked out by a leading cardiologist who did all kind of tests on him and gave him the go ahead to run the next day. Andreas was worried and let Mark set the pace the rest of the run.

They are in orange. Mark has the hat on. He wanted to be sure to make it back for the awards as he knew he was on the poidum. Once again...talking to a superstar all day :-) Yup. that's me!

All these mens teams on the podium. So nice and hilarious!

Ahhhhhhh....That is all I have to say. Hello Vail Westin. I could definately get used to you :-)

View from our hotel. Unfortunately, since we got in late, and left early, we did not get to actually enjoy much of hotel. It sure looked beautiful though.

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