Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stage 1 - Buena Vista to Rainroad Bridge

Stage 1 was 20.8 miles, Climbing 2,500 feet, Checkpoint 1 (ME!) was 7.3 miles in.
David and Deb before the first day. I had no idea we were in the midst of a star :-)

One of the rental trucks all loaded up. I tell ya, as much driving in the middle of no where we did, I was sure appreciative of satellite radio!

Finally! We found where check point 1 is. Working checkpoint1 were the massage therapists and myself. Cindy, Dana and Sherry. We had 2 trucks for the check point.

Sherry unloading

We had oranges, bananas, watermelon, Gu, Chomps, Salt stick (a sponsor) Erin Bakers cookies, M & M's, Swedish Fish, Twizzlers, chips, pretzels, water and Gu Brew, the electrolye drink. We were set up.

We get back and holy cow! Our friend Deb was numero uno for day 1!?! What? Rockstar!!!!

dinner and waiting for the awards ceremony and picture/slide show they did every night of that stage.

They also crowned a king and queen of each stage and this year, Deb was chosen on Stage 1. It was her birthday too! AND she came in first place in her age division! Her story...well....she did the TRR last year, and several weeks later, while she was running in Moab, she got a call from her husband. Their house, one they had built off the grid, with all kinds of cool stuff, had burned to the ground. They lost most of their belongings. They picked themselves up, dusted off and continued on. Amazing. She deserved to be queen for the day :-)

These are the crazy fast women team winners at Stage 1. We have seen the one with curly red short hair (the leader) in a North Face ad (her sponsor) her name is Nicki Kimball, and the gal next to her in the pumps, is Michelle Bardon and she is a famous runner as well.

The ladies winners at the end of stage 1. Deb with the leaders jersey!

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