Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jumpin Fun!


This is bouncing fun right here!

Turned into....bouncing not so fun.... (take note of Breeanna in the background feeling so terrible about it all...)

Turned into some pouting...(Breeanna, obviously getting her empathy from her mother)

and then some more not so bouncing fun...we'll try running on the trampoline fun.


Three Girls with a Mom said...

How horrible it is that we do not have too much empathy for the Kat. We or I laughed at the cupcake incident and now on the trampoline. :-) She was going pretty high when Auntie Aim was jumping her.

Barbi Ford said...

Nothing a little neck brace won't fix :-) It was funny the sequencing I got. Laughing, bouncing, crying, laughing...No bouncing. Just running.