Saturday, June 30, 2012

Payette River, South Fork

 So, the next day we drove up the river to check out the rapids we had come down.  This picture is where we came out at the end of our raft.  Where the South Fork meets the other fork, at the tail end of some Class 5 rapids.  We came out under the bridge and pulled the boats out at the end of those rapids.

 Some of the rapids we did that I snapped as we were driving up

 Can you believe that?  We must have navigated those rocks...and by we, I mean Kevin!

 It might be kinda good that we can't see what we are doing ahead of time, you are just in the middle of it and deal....cuz going back up, Wow!

 Then on the way down, because we didn't see any rafters going down the way we did (it was Monday after all)  We did see some floaters going down some rapids.  they weren't wearing helmets so must not have been to crazy but still looked fun!

Here is a self portrait.  See?  Look how happy David is!!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

River Rafting!!!!

 We all got checked in and fitted for our wet suits.   Let's just say, wet suits are NOT my friend.  NOT!  My calfzilla's were NOT happy, nor was the rest of my body being sausaged in that stupid thing on that hot hot day and it just made me mad.  However, boy was I glad to have had one on when we got in the water.

 Then we all loaded on the (short) bus for our little bus ride up the river.  Maybe 20 minutes or so and the guides unloaded the rafts.

They had a really nice set up.
 We went down the Payette River's South Fork with class 3 and 4 rapids.  Our guide was Kevin and it really was such a fun thing.  Looking at it now and thinking about it before hand, freaks me out way more than I felt on the water!  You actually sit on the edge of the boat and kinda jam your leg under a stabilizer thingy in the middle to keep you in the boat, and let me tell leg would have had to have broken off at the knee for me to have fallen out of that boat, I had it jammed in so far.  We got jostled and freezing cold water in our faces but at no time did I feel in danger or anything.  It really was fun!!!  What a great idea.  I tell you...David is the best travel agent, date maker!  He thinks of the funnest things!  Since I didn't have a water proof camera, this is the only picture we have of us from that day.  I am in the neon shirt.  David is the handsome, muscley one behind me!
My niece Katie (who just turned FIVE!!!), is the epitome at this age, of kids say the darndest things.    I remember loving it when the boys used such big words, like when Jordan started using....Actually..... in front of his sentences.  Just makes me smile.  While they were camping, I got a text from Christi that said Katie said she is going to go to Girlsie State University, kind of like Anthony's Boysie State (but too many boys)  She is thinking Girlsie State is for her!  *Smile*

Thursday, June 28, 2012

BSU - Here he comes!!!!!

 Anthony had his first cheer practice so David and I drove him over to Idaho.  Keiser Hall are the dorms he will stay in.  They look like new ones and really nice.  He will be sharing 8 rooms and 2 bathrooms.  His dorm is really close to both the engineering building as well as his practice facility.

 We stalkerazzied him and actually paid off....we caught him in his uniform and look what a good sport he was about it!

We now own enough Boise State wear that he MUST go there next year, can't afford him not to :-)  I have to say, even though it was initially hard for me to embrace the whole orange/blue Bronco theme (ahummm....Denver)  it is kinda growin on me....

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sky High

 Tanya had a few days off and before we headed off to Boise (I know the posts are out of order now...and I really  hate that, but...) we took the kids to Sky High for a little jumpin

 All schweaty

Friday, June 22, 2012

Made it to Idaho

We made it, dropped Anthony off at Boise State. He is with the other cheerleaders doing whatever they do!! We are it is, 9:30 pm and it is 85. Not complaining!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wowza! Last day of school!

Boy do I feel differently about the last day of school since working at one.  Now it is something I look forward to, and before,

It is just still so hard to believe that we are old enough to have kids that are GOING TO COLLEGE!  That is ridiculous! add insult to injury....we have a freshman in high school.  Two FRESHMAN at the same time!  Fer real!?!? per our last day of school tradition.  I can't even remember how or when it started.  It is a little different now that I am working.  Before I would make them each a huge dinner plate sized chocolate chip cookie and greet them with it after school, but....they both get out before I get home from work, so....this year I had to rush around this morning before school and make the cookies so they would be waiting for them when they got home.   I managed to get it all done.  Check out that bad boy!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Girls Summer League


David and Jordan went to watch Mary play her basketball game at the Kentwood summer league.  David is up for any basketball game, any time....pretty much!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Little Horse....

 That turned into double or nothing pig...

That turned into some bragging right for David....

Mattson track banquet

 Jordan getting his award for track.  It was his first year this year and I think he realized that he could be pretty successful in track.  He is one quick kid, which we knew, but, turns out, he does quite well in the high jump as well!

Jordan with his coach, and our friend, Coach Chris Rule.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mattson Show Choir

 We went to see our friends (most importantly Jordan's girlfriend, Mary) in the Mattson show choir.  Mary is to the conductors right, first girl, front row.  Very nice girl.

At the end, the choir students gave roses to people who helped them this year at school, and Mary gave one to Jordan.  It was so sweet.  Then, afterwards. Jordan went with Mary's family to Cold Stone for ice cream and I heard through the grape vine they took pictures, so I am working on gettign a hold of a few of those....

Hag photo friends and I are sitting there talking...and then we decide we need Anth in the picture (Why?  Why would we  need him in the picture???)  Ugh....and he JUMPED on poor Crista and Tracy and Tanya....Crista got the brunt of it, poor gal....

Amy, Carol, Tracy, Crista, Tanya, me and Margaret, and of course....Anthony Paul

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

 Auntie Aim chaparoned the Coupeville Senior Trip so she was running on no sleep, what a trooper she is, she wouldn't have missed it for anything!!!  But they didn't get there in time to do photo's prior to the graduation ceremony, so we had to do them after...all comfy and stuff.  

 Uncle Tony and Anthony.  Everyone could not believe how much he and David look alike.

 The other Fordfam!  Cooper and Layne.

 Aunt June

 Papa Larrie
 The Mazdra's

 The Hesselgesser/West/Maheu/Jackson clan.  So glad they could come!

 I love this picture of Anthony hugging Aunt Bonnie

 The Adkins, that came all the way from Whidbey

 Just us

 Never can have enough photo's, right mom??

 Aunt Dian and Uncle Dick

 The Willis's, who had two boys graduating too stopped by!

 Marti/Messner bunch

My sisters and I with the graduate