Thursday, June 28, 2012

BSU - Here he comes!!!!!

 Anthony had his first cheer practice so David and I drove him over to Idaho.  Keiser Hall are the dorms he will stay in.  They look like new ones and really nice.  He will be sharing 8 rooms and 2 bathrooms.  His dorm is really close to both the engineering building as well as his practice facility.

 We stalkerazzied him and actually paid off....we caught him in his uniform and look what a good sport he was about it!

We now own enough Boise State wear that he MUST go there next year, can't afford him not to :-)  I have to say, even though it was initially hard for me to embrace the whole orange/blue Bronco theme (ahummm....Denver)  it is kinda growin on me....


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Katie said they need hot horses and black pants and maybe a purple shirt. Anthony should tell the school her suggestions. When does he find out if he made the travel team?

Barbi Ford said...

Why hot horses? the poor things! I will have Anthony mention her ideas to the coach. Not sure purple shirts will fly and Anthony said they have multiple (like he thought up to 8 or 9) uniforms but he wasn't really sure. So...there is a slight possibly that they have black pants. I am not sure when he finds that out. Probably when they go back and after camp. They go back August 9th for pre camp, then camp for like 10 days or so. Crossing our fingers!!!