Wednesday, June 13, 2012

 Auntie Aim chaparoned the Coupeville Senior Trip so she was running on no sleep, what a trooper she is, she wouldn't have missed it for anything!!!  But they didn't get there in time to do photo's prior to the graduation ceremony, so we had to do them after...all comfy and stuff.  

 Uncle Tony and Anthony.  Everyone could not believe how much he and David look alike.

 The other Fordfam!  Cooper and Layne.

 Aunt June

 Papa Larrie
 The Mazdra's

 The Hesselgesser/West/Maheu/Jackson clan.  So glad they could come!

 I love this picture of Anthony hugging Aunt Bonnie

 The Adkins, that came all the way from Whidbey

 Just us

 Never can have enough photo's, right mom??

 Aunt Dian and Uncle Dick

 The Willis's, who had two boys graduating too stopped by!

 Marti/Messner bunch

My sisters and I with the graduate

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