Monday, June 11, 2012

Showare Center - June 9, 2012

 We had fairly good seats for graduation but it is still hard to see with them so far down there, must less get pictures.  Thankfully Christi brought her fancy dancy camera so we got some good pictures!

Here is Anthony receiving his diploma.  

 If you look close, or at the right angle, the kids sit so that they spell out KW for Kentwood.

 The cermonious throwing of the hats after they have declared graduates!

 There were so many people outside this is the view we got of Anthony in his cap and gown, we came home and took some more pictures...


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Did you figure out how to schedule posts? These seemed spaced out and in order.

Barbi Ford said...

I did figure it out!!!! Did a few when I had time, still have a few more though...

Three Girls with a Mom said...

Yep, but then the rest of us are not overwhelmed by having to read 80,000 at once. :-) I like the schedule thing. You can even schedule one in the morning and one at night so they are spaced a little too!