Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wowza! Last day of school!

Boy do I feel differently about the last day of school since working at one.  Now it is something I look forward to, and before,

It is just still so hard to believe that we are old enough to have kids that are GOING TO COLLEGE!  That is ridiculous! add insult to injury....we have a freshman in high school.  Two FRESHMAN at the same time!  Fer real!?!? per our last day of school tradition.  I can't even remember how or when it started.  It is a little different now that I am working.  Before I would make them each a huge dinner plate sized chocolate chip cookie and greet them with it after school, but....they both get out before I get home from work, so....this year I had to rush around this morning before school and make the cookies so they would be waiting for them when they got home.   I managed to get it all done.  Check out that bad boy!

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