Monday, June 11, 2012

Graduation Day - June 9, 2012

Wow!  Did this day really come?  How time flies!  We took some pictures before we left for the ceremony at Showare Center in Kent.  Doors opened at 12:00 and ceremony starts at 12:30.  Aimee chaperoned the Coupeville senior trip so she was running on no sleep and didn't come early so she and Christi came as we were heading out and we met them outside and found our seats.

The boys

I don't feel short, until I look at pictures!

My parents


Everyone who came early that rode down with us.  We only got 10 tickets to graduation so everyone that we would have wanted to come, wasn't able to go.  Papa Larrie, J, dad, mom, Anth, David, me, Aunt June and Uncle Marty.


Proud papa

Two and a half men - ha!

June and Marty with Anth.  They have supported us the whole way.  Very thankful they could make it down to watch Anthony graduate.

Ford men

Papa Larrie and Anthony

dad and Anthony

Gramoom and Anthony Paul


Three Girls with a Mom said...

This totally brought tears to my eyes AGAIN! Come on, stop this. Did you get any with his cap and gown?

Barbi Ford said...

No. Sadly. Gonna have to stage them!!! I haven't blogged you guys yet.....was doing them chronological so....soon!!!