Friday, August 31, 2012

While we were away....David and Lucy played....


 I tell you what.....this poor dog...David took her to Clarke Lake, a new lake, thinking that the lake at the dog park would be fun for her.  Yeah, NO.  She stepped on something and got into the car and bled all over it!!!  So David called the vet, took her in and she had to be put out so they could stitch it up.  It is right in the side of one of her pads.  She doesn't much care to have it taped up, but it keeps breaking open so we need to for now.  Poor baby.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Class of 2016, the younger version

 It is so bizarre I have two kids in the class of 2016!!!  Jordan went to orientation and they gave all the kids t shirts.  I like it.  The front says, "Conquerers Think, Thinkers Conquer"  

I like it.

Michigan they come!!!!!

The travel squad leaves Thursday morning for Michigan state to cheer the Bronco's on to a V-I-C-T-O-R-Y on Friday evening!!!!!!!

Football BBQ

 Saturday was a busy day!  Mom came down to relieve Christi and Katie and watch Jordan for us and make sure he got to all his football activities.  But we ended up getting Anthony moved in early, and then came home early.  So I was able to see his scrimmage.  We served hamburgers and hot dogs.

 Sold a ton of merchandise.  I even got myself a new green sweatshirt!!!!  First year we have had green and people seemed to really like it.  Been so many years of black...

 Jordan lining up...


 Jordan is #9 on the practice team, but #88 for his games.

 The boys cooking!

 Coach Norris introducing the teams

 Tried to get all the teams but didn't quite get everyone in.

There he is...the stud muffin himself!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Around Keiser Hall

 Next day....this is what it looked like, yuup.  That looks about right.

 David set up the router, I hung the clock and Anth...well...Anth did what he does best.  that is his $700 worth of books on those shelves....

 Checking out the laundry facilities, all of it works on his BSU ID card.  You have to put money on it and swipe it.  We know cuz we got a call to please load money on it!  Which....means....he must have been planning on doing some laundry!


 On the 2nd floor, where the laundry is, and the "office" with printers, computers, etc..there is a bigger common room with a TV.

 Anthony's mail box

 The view from Keiser front doors, not bad, huh?

 You can tell which window is Anthony's

Good morning Boise!!!

While having breakfast, Terry looked into the sky and saw this from his back porch.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

To the park!

 While we waited to move the rest of Anthony's things in, I walked over to the stadium that is still all tore up under construction and tried to get a picture of the blue field, you can't really see it.  The football players were practicing and had music blaring and I didn't want to be a total creeper so I just took one quick one from afar.

 The marching band practicing in the heat

 David and I went to the park for a quick rest right across from campus.  It was warm, a nice day and the AC really gives David's sinus's the business so we laid down and took a nap.  

 Here is our resting spot in this gorgeous park, right on the river.

 Right at the far end is the zoo, which we didn't know til we were headed back to Terry's.  We decided we were going to do the zoo and the paddle boats the next day but after we dropped off Anthony, I just wanted to come home.  We will leave that for another time.  Maybe torture J with it.

There is the campus right across from the river, and a path runs along that side of the river too.  They jog it for workouts.

Keiser Hall, 4th Floor suite F

 Figuring out the placement of the room


 Dark picture of him getting things together.  He put the sign his friends stole for him from Gig Harbor, in the window, you can see it from bottom so you can tell which room he is in.

 Already like home.

 Bed made and sign up

 desk set up

 Lounge set up

 A dark one of the whole room