Thursday, August 30, 2012

Football BBQ

 Saturday was a busy day!  Mom came down to relieve Christi and Katie and watch Jordan for us and make sure he got to all his football activities.  But we ended up getting Anthony moved in early, and then came home early.  So I was able to see his scrimmage.  We served hamburgers and hot dogs.

 Sold a ton of merchandise.  I even got myself a new green sweatshirt!!!!  First year we have had green and people seemed to really like it.  Been so many years of black...

 Jordan lining up...


 Jordan is #9 on the practice team, but #88 for his games.

 The boys cooking!

 Coach Norris introducing the teams

 Tried to get all the teams but didn't quite get everyone in.

There he is...the stud muffin himself!

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