Monday, August 20, 2012

No! No! No!

 This is the teeny tiny hat I brought home my 9 lb 7 oz baby home from the Naval Hospital in Oak Harbor in.  Where it seemed he would be my baby forever.  When he would never move away.  And now....

 I moved his school memories into a more sturdy bin and did not allow myself to sift through things, just barely.  I really want to, but it has been an emotional day, so I cannot allow myself to do that, I have had a headache most of the day and it would really not help matters.  I found the little (upside down) corsage from my baby shower with him, when I didn't know if he was a boy or a girl.

 I found his very first set of glasses, I think he was around 3 years old and looked so dang cute in his glasses!

I found the sliver that he had to have surgically removed from his foot while he was playing on mom and dads deck in bare feet (no need for I told you so....or....maybe I did say it ) It was HUGE for his tiny little foot!

And here are all his belongs, all packed up into bins and ready to be loaded into the car.  All the other things he is not attached to, things I cannot get rid of quite yet.  Watch out BSU!  Here he comes!

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