Sunday, August 12, 2012

10K Fun Run 8-10-12

 Heading out to the end of the Soos Creek Trail on 208th for our annual 10K Fun Run.  I am not sure some of those poor lineman were having much fun...

 Water stop at 148th.

 Cheering Jordan in

 Here comes the herd...

 to help our last runner, Frankie in to the halfway point!

 We wait for every single player to get to the half way point.  Then a pep talk from Coach Norris before they head back out for the really challenging hills on the trails.

 Jordan is so engaged in coach!

 Gorgeous, albeit hot day for a finish!  Probably low 80's.

 Here he comes....

 Finishing....see those footballs?  We have them for our whole schedule, and along the really challenging last big long hill up 256th, we put them, in order of our games, starting with Auburn all the way to the play offs, and the last one, on the hill in the middle of the round about at Kentwood High School is the Tacoma Dome.  

 All the players lined up with the footballs of our season making a tunnel and cheering in Frankie!

 The team ran in with Frankie cheering him on.  What a good sport he was!

 Dang kids!  They broke Kentlake into pieces...hopefully can salvage it.  Those are a pain to make...I had to replace a few this year.  

Our post run pep talk from Coach Phelps....and telling them about the lock in tonight at Mattson!!! 

It's Great To Be Alive....It's Great To Be A Conk!!!!!

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