Saturday, August 11, 2012

Watermelon Relay & Egg Toss

Running camp drills.  I am til you PUKE!!!

 Everyone gathering before the watermelon relay and egg toss

 Assembling in the group they were assigned to.  His friend Cory Tullio is in his group too!

 Uh Ohhhh....This is what happens when someone can't name everyone in your group by name...let's just say....Jordan needs to work on his push ups (knee ups, but in the air, not really doing them) STAT!

 Preparing for the watermelon relay

 Out, around the Gatorade bottle and back....

 Then, run back, break it and eat the whole thing between your group!  Speaking of watermelon...I best go cut mine up and have a snack!!!....MmmmmMmmmmmGood!

 Egg toss

Jordan trying to use "soft hands"

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