Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Around Keiser Hall

 Next day....this is what it looked like, yuup.  That looks about right.

 David set up the router, I hung the clock and Anth...well...Anth did what he does best.  that is his $700 worth of books on those shelves....

 Checking out the laundry facilities, all of it works on his BSU ID card.  You have to put money on it and swipe it.  We know cuz we got a call to please load money on it!  Which....means....he must have been planning on doing some laundry!


 On the 2nd floor, where the laundry is, and the "office" with printers, computers, etc..there is a bigger common room with a TV.

 Anthony's mail box

 The view from Keiser front doors, not bad, huh?

 You can tell which window is Anthony's

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