Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Downtown Seattle Fun

 Breeanna came home from Florida on Sunday so mom, Aimee and I went downtown Seattle to spend the day before we went to the airport.

 I put  my big girl panties on and found my way to the Tukwila Internatinal Boulevard light rail station and took the light rail to Westlake Center and found Aimee and mom who were waiting there for me.  Aim is such a fancy driver, they found free, parallel parking that she whipped herself into.  My transportation on cost me $2.75!!!

 We did Pike Place

 So many delicious choices!

 The gorgeous flowers all along the market

 When Tammy came to visit, this is where we ate, up there with our friends under the unbrella on a day very much like today....

 This is the Starbucks line.  The original, very first Starbucks!!!

 View from the park by the market where we sat and ate our sandwich or lunch in the sunshine.

 Their bouquets are huge and beautiful and for only $5, $10 or $15!  Amazing!

 The fresh produce looks so colorful and delicious!

 Went down to check out the ferris wheel.  It had a long line and Aim and mom are not fond of heights and I am not fond of slow moving rides.  It's gotta be a fast roller coaster for me...

 Some freaky statue lady that I think is actually a guy....

 Walked by the art museum

 I bought myself a beautiful bouquet of flowers

This is the space needle from Aim's parking spot.  Pretty cool.

1 comment:

Three Girls with a Mom said...

What a fun fun day! I love those scary people statues. They were all over down in SF.