Monday, August 27, 2012

We got to Skype with Anthony!

Today was Anthony's first day of college classes.  He had cheer practice this morning preparing for his travel to Michigan State on Thursday for the Friday night game.  He is so excited about it.  And it will probably be an experience like he has never had before in his life.  Being in front of that many people cheering!  Everyone so pumped and excited to be there!  Ohhhhh, wish I could be there!!!!

Anyhoo....we got to Skype with him tonight to hear all about his classes.  He had Calculus, which he is retaking (he already took it in high school) but having an easy class there might be good for him.  He just needs to see how often he has to go to class, if he has to go, sounds like he will be bored in that class, but....and then he has chemistry that has some labs, and he is hoping/feeling that this class will be doable as well as these are pretty easy concepts for him to understand.  And then he has his engineering class and he has to go buy a Lego set from the bookstore for it.  He is really excited about this class, it will be a lot of work, but they have a long term project using the Lego's (too bad Jordan isn't there)  Then he had a meeting with his RA so he had to jet.  Anyway, he sounded really excited.  We even got to meet his roommates via Skype.  Their room is all pimped out with flashing LED and black lights.  He said people were down on the ground staring up wondering what the heck.  They plan on having dance parties and such.  People are in and out all the time, everyone just kind of laying all around.  Everyone certainly seems pretty laid back.

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