Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Anth is 22! Can you BE:IEVE that!?!

 Decorated his door so he had to bust through.

 Wow.  22.  Just WOW is all I have to say bout that.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Race the Reserve for Jordan's Senior Class

 J and I volunteered for the run that supports Jordan's senior class.  We were put where they run by the cemetery then run up to the bluff trail and along it.

 We had an awesome view AND....a submarine even went by while we were there!!!  Super cool!!!


 And...it was festival weekend so had to walk through there too!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Saying goodbye to Gram

 We took the Port Townsend ferry and did a sea burial for Gram.  Bittersweet really.  Was glad that Aunt Billie, Uncle Dave, DC and his wife, Kelly were able to be there along with all the local peeps.  We don't see each other much, and it was another gorgeous day so it was really nice to all be together to say goodbye to Gram the way she wanted.

 Can see Baker in the distance.

 Gram was in a gel water tight container.  The ferry stopped, they put her in the water, the ferry blew it's whistle, and away we went.  The container biodegrades in the water in 3 days and Gram will be floating with the fishes.  They even got a certificate saying the exact longitude and latitude that Gram was put into the water.  Pretty neat. I was fine until the ferry blew it's horn, then lost it.  

 We all headed over to Port Townsend and had lunch together.  I made arrangements at a cafe there so we were all able to sit together and catch up.

 The ferry coming in at Port Townsend.

 Heading back to Coupeville

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Seriously....so gorgeous.

 Aim and I just drove around when the sky was all lit up...we knew just where to go!

 Ebey's Landing just is so pretty!


 We did an impromptu birthday celebration for Anthony with a Swedish fish theme.  Turned out cute for short notice!

 J...just being J- Ha!

Friday, August 21, 2015

7 on 7 in LaConner

 Went to LaConner to watch a little 7 on 7.  Perfect night for it!

 J is #88 for now, towering over the kids that were there that day.

 The sunset on the ride of home was amazing!

 Over Deception Pass

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Kayaking in Coupeville

 We had just a short period of time so we drug the kayak's down to the boat launch, at LOW tide...and had to schlep them through the spongy moss and mussels to the water for a quick little float around...

 Mt. Baker in the distance

 Heading to the wharf but low tide, we couldn't have gone under it even if we did have time.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cheer friendships....

 These gals welcomed me into the cheer world right from the very beginning.  Anth has been good friends with the girls and remains that way to this day.  We always try to get together when all the kids are home from college!  Good memories!

 Making their coach proud!?!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I never get tired of these views!

 Looking out from the boat launch towards the wharf at sunset.  So beautiful!

 And then from the boat launch over to Mt. Baker. 

 Doing the bluff trail.

picturesque views of Ebey's Landing