Saturday, August 15, 2015

Wednesday, June 24 - more Venice

 The roof (that my room overlooked) opened up for breakfast


The gal who arranged our trip recommended that we just get lost in Venice, get away from the tourist area and just walk around. This gem we would have never, ever found, nor had we found it, ventured into.  It cost $ to get in so we would have just been like nah, we've seen enough churches.  So glad we followed her recommendation on this one!  

The fresco's were UH-MAZING!

 This is the CEILING!  The ceiling people!!!!!  Pictures absolutely do not do it justice one little bit!


 My delicious margarita pizza.  NOW THAT'S PIZZA!  Just grabbed it on the run and squatted on some random church steps to eat.

 Whohooooo!  Another Disney store!

 ALL chocolate!  A STORE of DELICIOUS chocolate!  Heaven!!!!!

 Our hotel balcony, we just chilled/napped for a little while.

 The party on this deck is the laughing/talking I can hear when in my room.  It wasn't bad or anything, just wondered where it came from.

 Views from our hotel balcony

 Ambulance, all water craft.  It has to be.  

 NO MAFIA.  Good to know.

 Supposed to kiss under this bridge at sunset to seal your love forever.  This'll have to do.

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