Sunday, August 23, 2015

Saying goodbye to Gram

 We took the Port Townsend ferry and did a sea burial for Gram.  Bittersweet really.  Was glad that Aunt Billie, Uncle Dave, DC and his wife, Kelly were able to be there along with all the local peeps.  We don't see each other much, and it was another gorgeous day so it was really nice to all be together to say goodbye to Gram the way she wanted.

 Can see Baker in the distance.

 Gram was in a gel water tight container.  The ferry stopped, they put her in the water, the ferry blew it's whistle, and away we went.  The container biodegrades in the water in 3 days and Gram will be floating with the fishes.  They even got a certificate saying the exact longitude and latitude that Gram was put into the water.  Pretty neat. I was fine until the ferry blew it's horn, then lost it.  

 We all headed over to Port Townsend and had lunch together.  I made arrangements at a cafe there so we were all able to sit together and catch up.

 The ferry coming in at Port Townsend.

 Heading back to Coupeville

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