Sunday, August 9, 2015

Saturday, June 20 we saw Vatican City and Sistine Chapel

 The line was ri.dic.ulous!  Thank GOODNESS we were advised to get a private tour!  So, we had one lady and she was all ours.  And, this way we got to see things that you wouldn't have known were there as a normal tourist.  

 The stairs that the Popes come up

 Looking out over the courtyard

 So, I am totally not a history buff but the architecture and art, I cannot even explain the magnitude of it. Just overwhelming and gorgeous!  Pictures could not even begin to do them justice.

 Our guide...dang it!  I totally forgot her name.  I really enjoyed her!

 Crypt of someone, amazing carvings

 This is a HUGE floor, made of TEENY TINY mosaic tiles!!!!!

 This purple marble was of royal families. 

 Mosaic again.   The intricacy of it and being made so so long ago is amazing.

 They had these HUGE beautiful tapestries.

 Imagine painting this on a ceiling!  Crazy!!

 St. Peter's Square

 Where the pope waves from

These beautifully carved doors

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