Sunday, August 9, 2015

Saturday, June 20 - More Rome adventures

 We managed to buy subway tickets and find our way where we wanted to go.  Cuz we are travelers like that, even though all the text was in Italian :-)

 Looks fake but it is a real guard

 The roads are cobblestone

 People just park wherever there is an inch

 They have these fountains, they all look about the same, and the water is potable, drinkable water, you can fill up your water bottles.  The whole system was made thousands of years ago and still works today.

 Coliseum in the background.  All churches you had to cover up your shoulders and knees so we carried around a light sweater everywhere.  It was hot outside, but, we wanted to be respectful of their rules.


 Huge fresco's (painted right into the plaster) were amazing.

 Nuns going to mass

This church had trouble with it's structure so it could have have a dome put on top for fear of collapse so they painted a flat surface to look round.  I didn't even know when we first went here on our own, that this was the case. You would totally have thought it was round.  We went later with a guide and he told us and took us outside to show us the flat surface.

 lemon sorbet....YUM!

 Even the Italians love Russell!!!


 All along the river little shops and foosball 

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