Saturday, August 8, 2015

Friday, June 19 in Rome< Italy - Hotel Artemide

 Unfortunately home life is crazy and David couldn't come to Italy, so he stayed home.  I went along with Thomas and Wendy for the trip of a lifetime.  We arrived in Rome and our hotel right in the middle of town.  Hotel Artemide.

 Italians are big on bidet's 

 Ingenious idea so as not to waste electricity when people go out all the day.  The lights turn out 30 seconds after you take out your room key.  You don't want to know how long it took me to figure that out...I, for the life of me couldn't figure it out, and then Wendy text and told me how to work it . Ugh....

 Free bubbly on the gorgeous rooftop

 The lobby was all marble and glass

 Doors from the streets

 Seriously.  The breakfast was divine!!!!

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