Saturday, August 15, 2015

Wednesday, June 24 - Venice

 Doge's Palace in St. Mark's Square.  A magnificent palace!  But tourist central!

 St. Mark's Square

 The boardwalk

 Fixin to get this ferry thang figured out!

 Another ferry passing us.

 Went to the Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore

 It had some very modern art work

 We went to the top for a view of Venice.  Oh my goodness!!!!

 Cool garden

 The outside of the Basilica di Giorgio Maggiore

 Been eying  this puppy!

 Acadia Bridge

 We chose this restaurant to eat.  Seafood, imagine that :-)

I sat down, ordered food, had had a little headache for some time, didn't want to ruin everyone's time so I finally said something and cancelled my food order and Thomas escorted me back to our room through the maze of alley ways, and came back to enjoy a nice romantic dinner with Wendy.  Good thing I went....They didn't get back to the hotel until 11pm!  I slept and was good to go the next day.

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