Friday, August 14, 2015

Wednesday, June 24 - Uffizi Museum

 The Uffizi is a famous  museum fulllllll of statues and art works by many famous artists.

 The ceiling were so beautiful!

 Famous painting called the Birth of Venus byAlessandro Boticelli

 Another famous painting by Boticelli called Spring

 Annunciation by Leonardo Da Vinci

 Baptism of Christ by Leonardo Da Vinci

 This room was a tribute to someone....I forget who now but it was just spectacular!

 the ceiling was made of oyster shells I think it was.

 I just can't get over that poeple did this artwork turned upside down on the ceilings!

 Huge hallways of sculptures

  This was the room of Michelangelo and the Florentine Painters who studied under him.

 The Holy Family by Michelangelo Buonarroti

 Sleeping Adriane by a scuopture who studied under Michelangelo in the 2nd century AD!

 Madonna and Child with St. John "Madonna of the Goldfinch" by Raffaello Sanzio around 1505 

This museum really was overwhelming.  The intricate art that was done so very long ago with such primitive tools is so amazing to see.

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