Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Sunday, June 21 - out and about on our last day in Rome

 We liked our tour of the Palatine Hill and Forum that we scheduled a tour with him again for the evening around and about.  We saw the Church of 12 Apostles, Piazza Novana, that was a race track, Four Rivers Foundtain and the Jewish Bridge.  I get everything mixed up . Let's just go with...it was amazing!  K?

 Churches that you would have just walked by, after looking from the outside look like THIS inside!!!

 Michelangelo's tomb

 So, here is this church again that he pointed out to us that the dark dome is actually flat!!!!  We had no idea when we toured the church earlier!  Until he said something, we would have never known.  

 Jewish Bridge

 Our big gaggle

 We found a little place to have dinner.  All the food was SO GOOD!  Perfect way to end the night!

 Me and my "date" 

 Tried Ravioli this time.  Good choice!

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