Friday, August 14, 2015

Wednesday, June 24 - Out and about in Florience

 The Duomo.  Oh my goodness it was beautiful.  We decided to get a guide for this one too.

 The Duomo had beautiful inlaid marble floors


 So, they built the magnificent Duomo right over the Santa Repartata church underneath.  

 Here is what was left of the Santa Reparata

 Hard to get good pictures at some of these because they are right in town, but here is more of the outside of the Duomo.

 Look what we found!!!!


 This is interesting.  They think maybe this statue was the inspiration for the Statue of Liberty.


 Oh the stained glass was so gorgeous!

 Many bicycles and mopeds!

 Statue of David.  There was a real one and fake one, I want to say this is the real one.


My feet were filthy after walking around all day on those cobblestone streets!

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