Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Monday, June 22 - Altiero Winery

 Christian drove us to his friend, Poalo's winery that he took over from his father.  It took him 10 years to get a permit, and he built a nice, small house from local rockery with his winery cellar underneath.

 His vineyard, just a small one.  He sells mostly local.

 His house was not fancy, functional but really nice.  the cellar below and a gorgeous wrap around deck overlooking his wineries and the valley on top.  While were there, his preschool daughter came home on the teeny little miniboos.  His wife normally prepares lunch, but she was still in the hospital after delivering his "premature" 8 lb baby boy.  So, his mom helped him out.  

 This particular wine in this barrel will not sell until 2017.

 Christian has his back to us, he sat and had lunch with us, and Poalo is pouring wine. 

 The wines change as the meal changes.  All in all I had 4 glasses.  Wine is still not my thang.  I drank enough not to be rude, but not too much that they thought I needed a refill.

 The meal was DE-LISH!  Heaven eating out on his patio, looking out over the valley.

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