Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Monday, June 22nd, Hotel Brunelleschi

 Our hotel in Florence was, again, in the middle of town, and an old castle tucked in an alley way.  Gorgeous.  This was my favorite room I think.  Named after a very influential family in Florence.

 In the lobby.

 I knew I was in love when I saw the big crystal doorknobs!

 Step down into the sleeping area with glass/mirror.  So pretty!

 Felt so fancy, however the shower was so small I could barely bring my arms up to wash my hair without fearing I would pop open the door, and it didn't drain properly so I had to hurry so as not to overflow.  It eventually did drain, but not while the water was running.

 Pretty black and white photo's of the hotel

 More lobby

 Eating area

 Glass stairs going up with an entire wall of mirrors

 Breakfast of my dreams....

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